Configuring EOFVPN on Android and AndroidTV
Instructions for setting up EOFVPN on Android and AndroidTV
V2rayNG application
Шаг 1
Download V2rayNG application from PlayMarket - download or from GitGub repository - download apk
Шаг 2
Go to the subscription/configuration site (configurations are provided with the free VPN subscription. Premium users are given a personalized subscription link). See the example in the GIF:
These settings are also suitable for adding configurations to AndroidTV. For easy shortening of the subscription link, use the link shortening service
NekoBox application
Шаг 1
Download the NekoBox app from the subscription page (under the “Programs” tab) or from the GitHub repository at the link below:
Шаг 2
Go to the subscription/configuration site (configurations are provided with the free VPN subscription. Premium users are given a personalized subscription link). See the example in the GIF:
The program can work in both Proxy and VPN modes. I advise you to choose VPN mode for selected applications - then you can let only what you really need through VPN, such as browsers, or clients of blocked social networks, or games. It makes sense to leave messengers working directly. For example, Telegram working directly eliminates sudden stops of file or video transfer.
Outline application
Шаг 1
Download the Outline app from PlayMarket - DOWNLOAD
Step 2
Go to the subscription/configuration site (configurations are provided with the free VPN subscription. Premium users get a personalized subscription link).
The Outline application works ONLY with SHADOWSOCKS keys. Other vmess/vless/trojan keys are not accepted by Outline!
Let’s see an example in GIF:
ShadowSocks application
Шаг 1
Download the ShadowSocks application from the GitHub repository - DOWNLOAD
Choose the version of the application that suits your phone processor.
Step 2
Go to the subscription/configuration site (configurations are provided with the free VPN subscription. Premium users get a personalized subscription link).
ShadowSocks works ONLY with SHADOWSOCKS keys. Other vmess/vless/trojan keys are not accepted by ShadowSocks!
Let’s see an example in GIF: