Proxy in Google Chrome browser

Free proxies are available on our Telegram channel @eofeats


Step 1

Install the extension from the Chrome Web Store by clicking here


Step 2

In the window that appears, click Manage proxies


Step 3

In the proxy manager, click Add new proxy and enter data in the fields:

- Name - name of your connection (specify the country for convenience);

- Proxy IP and Port (ip and port in different fields) - in the first field select http protocol, in the second field enter ip address, in the third field specify port;

- Username and password - in the first field specify login, in the second field specify password;

There may be problems with VPN and proxy working together in the browser. Only HTTP connection works in Chrome!

Potatso on iOS/macOS


Step 1

Install the application from the AppStore by clicking on the link


Step 2

Instructions in GIF: