Answers to frequently asked questions
Yes. We have a free plan. Our service has no ads, no data limits, and with a strict no logs policy.
FreeVPN has only 6 locations and there is a load on the servers. In PremiumVPN 25 locations and 41 servers (there are backup servers to some locations), small load on servers and respectively higher connection speed.
Letters in server names are used for convenience. They help to quickly identify which server has a failure or problems so that they can be promptly resolved.
The traffic counter is needed first of all for us. Since we don’t write any logs, we have to somehow control the use of our resources by users, stop reselling accesses and track torrent downloads. This can be done safely for everyone through traffic monitoring. If you need to give access to friends, acquaintances, relatives and you are worried about running out of traffic you can buy a subscription for a longer period of time - more days = more traffic. A monthly subscription provides 666 gigabytes of traffic.
There is no limit on the number of devices in EOFVPN.
Third-party services such as 2ip.ru and others do not update their databases in a timely manner.
It takes time to update all secondary and non-official databases so that they start to indicate the correct ISP and geo.
Our bandwidth ranges from 1 Gbps to 10 Gbps. depending on the selected countries/locations. However, the actual speed on the client side depends on many factors such as:
Server remoteness:
The farther the VPN server is from your location, the higher the latency due to increased transfer time (latency). This can slow down your connection, especially if the physical distance between the client and the server is long.
The quality of the internet infrastructure in the country:
Countries with less developed internet infrastructure may have bandwidth issues. Even if the server supports high speed, the overall speed will be limited by the weak network in the country where the server is located.
Network traffic routing:
Data is transmitted through many routers and exchange points, and the route to the VPN server is not always optimal. Routes can have bottlenecks, leading to increased latency and lower data transfer rates.
Data encryption:
A VPN uses encryption to ensure the security of data transmission. The higher the level of encryption (for example, 256-bit encryption), the more resources are required to encrypt/decrypt data, which can affect speed. The VPN protocols used also affect performance.
Restrictions from your Internet Service Provider (ISP):
Your local ISP may limit speeds or even purposely slow down VPN traffic. Some ISPs use a “throttling” technique that can slow down your connection to the VPN server, regardless of bandwidth.
All EOFVPN network traffic is encrypted using AES-256 or ChaCha20, and we use strong VPN protocols such as Vless, Vmess, ShadowSocks, Trojan, WireGuard, OpenVPN, IPSec.
TimeOut - is not an indicator of server failure. This metric is only related to the connection to the test site specified in the application settings and the delay time between packets sent to this site. If you increase the interval between requests or change the test site to a more stable and popular one, the timeout error will no longer appear. Thus, even if a timeout occurs, the connection to the server remains operational and the service will function normally.