Configuring IPSec in iOS

Go to Settings in iOS, then tap General > VPN > Add VPN Configuration (General > VPN > Add VPN Configuration).

In Description, write the displayed name, e.g. EOFVPN-Poland

  • Server field: insert ip address[Server IP] from EOF personal account configurations.
  • Account field: insert [Username] from the EOF personal account configurations.
  • Password field: insert [Password] from EOF personal account configurations.
  • General key field: insert [IPsec PSK] from EOF personal account configurations.

Click [DONE] and connect by selecting the VPN device and changing the slider in the VPN STATUS field from GREEN to GREEN, that is, just by clicking on it.

Configuring IPSec in Android

1. Go to the Settings menu on your Android device. 2. Under “Wireless networks”, select “More”.

3. Go to the «VPN» menu item.

4. To add a new VPN connection, click «+».

On the next screen, select the connection type «L2TP/IPsec PSK» and enter the VPN connection parameters:

  • In the «Name» field, enter any connection name, e.g. «EOFVPN-Poland».
  • In the «Server Address» field, enter the address[Server IP] from the EOF personal cabinet configuration.
  • In the «Shared Key» field, specify [IPsec PSK] from the EOF personal account configurations…
  • In the «Username» and «Password» fields, enter [Username] and [Password] from the EOF personal account configurations…

5. Check «Permanent VPN» to allow traffic only when connected to this VPN. 6. Click «Save» to save the created VPN connection